Lothagam Research Project
The late Miocene origin of the hominin clade occurred in the context of major abiotic and biotic changes, including global cooling and aridification, the expansion of grassland ecosystems, and extensive faunal exchange between Africa and Eurasia. Though geochemical, geochronological, and paleontological datasets have clarified the timing of these key events, we still know little of how shifts in ancient African environments and biotas translated to changes in the structure and functioning of the local ecosystems within which the earliest hominins evolved. This knowledge gap largely stems from the scarcity of fossiliferous sites ~ 10-6 Ma in eastern Africa, with the site of Lothagam (West Turkana Basin, Kenya) being an outstanding exception.
The Lothagam Research Project (co-directors J. Rowan and I. Lazagabaster) is a paleontological field work project aiming to enhance our understanding of the earliest phases of human evolution in eastern Africa. In addition to the new field work, we are incorporating existing collections housed at the Kenya National Museum (Nairobi) into our systematic, paleobiological, and paleoecological studies of the Turkana Basin's late Miocene ecosystems.
The LRP team includes:
Paleoanthropology and Paleontology
Ignacio Lazagabaster (CENIEH, Spain)
Alejandra Ortiz (New York University, USA)
María Ríos (Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal)
John Rowan (University of Cambridge, UK)
Gary Schwartz (Arizona State University, USA)
Clément Zanolli (Université de Bordeaux, France)
Geology, Geochemistry, and Paleoecology
Scott Blumenthal (University of Oregon, USA)
Kendra Chritz (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Craig Feibel (Rutgers University, USA)
Greg Henkes (Stony Brook University, USA)
Rahab Kinyanjui (National Museums of Kenya)
Gary Stinchcomb (University of Memphis, USA)
Kevin Uno (Harvard University, USA)
PhD Student Researchers
Emmanuel Aoron (Harvard University, USA)
Melissa Boyd (Rutgers University, USA)
Eve Omondi (University at Albany, USA)
Christianne Ormsby (University at Albany, USA)
Chris Rowan (Columbia University, USA)
Linet Sankau (Arizona State University, USA)
Jensen Wainwright (University of Oregon, USA)